Did somebody say "podcast"?
You guys know how it is....nothing like adding a bit more to your plate when you're absolutely flat out running your business. I believe it's true, "busy people get more done" 😂 For me, the "adding to plate" comes in the form of a new podcast venture with some of Kajabi's most successful creators and I have a wonderful line-up in store for you BUT if there's someone in particular you would love to hear from (or maybe you're the person we all need to hear from?) why not hit REPLY and let me know?
Criteria: Hilarious, generating multiple 6 figures annually through Kajabi, have a funnel they absolutely love and are happy to share nitty gritty details on....did I mention "hilarious"?
Adding an IG feed to your Kajabi website? My favourite tool...
Growing your Instagram audience and looking to add your feed to your Kajabi website? There are PLENTY of tools out there, some free, some paid, but of the free tools I've so far only found tools with limited customisation ability or tools that insist on displaying their branding on your website....errrr, no thanks. Of the paid tools they typically start around $20 per month and who really wants to pay another subscription just to show their IG feed? errr....no one 🙄
For me, my tried and tested tool for this, is LightWidget. It'll cost you $10 once (as in forever) and after that you can customise it 'til the cows come home 💕.
Easy Steps to follow...
First up, you'll need a LightWidget account connected to your Instagram account, and then it's as simple as "Create new widget":

Your feed will magically appear and then you customise everything from number of posts displayed, to where people go to if they click on a post, to whether or not your captions show....so many options!

Once you're done customising, create and upgrade your widget ($10) and then copy the embed code

Head on over to your Kajabi landing page and add a "custom code block" to the section where you want your IG feed to display. Paste in your LightWidget embed code. Save.

Time to preview your page.
If you've set it up correctly (which of course you have 😉) then it will display just like it does at the bottom of our new Amy P About Page.
(if a video would help, I've popped one below)
New look Amy P 😮
And the homepage is yours free!
In my team there is no such thing as "set and forget". Even our best selling template designs need a facelift every now and again and we've been busily working away to bring a new lease of life to our Amy P design. The Homepage, About page and Sales page have all been completely redone (welcome to view them all here if curious) and, as always, the homepage from the design is available for free download as part of my brand new Kajabi Quick Start Bundle if you'd like to take it for a test run?
Easy to customise, copy prompts included and in line with Donald Miller's StoryBrand framework so that you don't get tempted to compromise on clarity over aesthetics.

Lost mojo and how I deal with it
Contrary to popular belief, it's not all skittles and rainbows. I have my off moments, my days of procrastination, my tech disasters, my launch letdowns and this little reel was how I go about dusting myself off and resetting my frame of mind.
You'll find what works for me here
Have you met Stephanie?
Let me shine a big bright spotlight on Stephanie Cutter, a graduate from our Heart-Centered Apprentice program who, in a previous life, was an IT Business Analyst and now LOVES all things Kajabi analytics and helping you make sense of your website traffic. Stephanie is a homeschooling mum of 2, a Gymnast Coach, a Sunday School Teacher and is standing by ready to help you with your Kajabi needs, so why not book a free discovery call and have a chat?
If you would like to read more on Stephanie and her superpowers, please click here.
Why "Kajabi over Cocktails"?
Not sure about you but I'm a realist and from where I'm standing this line of work often comes with a whole lot of learning curve stress, disappointment, setbacks, anxiety, overwhelm... you get the idea.
When I began as Kajabi Coach I took it upon myself to lessen all those negative emotions for people, and to bring laughter, simplification, step-by-step guidance and support.
A lot of that support is provided on my live group coaching calls where more often than not I turn up to class with a GIANT Gin & Tonic.
In a laptop lifestyle of freedom and flexibility, is there any good reason not to?? 😂
Until the next time!
Meg xx
My outing this week was to Hattem Castle (the Netherland's smallest castle apparently) and I was so busy photographing the Castle's pet pig that I forgot to photograph the cocktail!