Look at me go!
Two newsletters inside of a month - #winning 🤣 If you missed the first one (I know these image-heavy emails often end in spam) well....sorry....nothing I can do about that, but you're here now so let's have some fun! 😍
Opting In Customers at Checkout
Okay, so once upon a time, you could set a checkout setting that would "disable" the "subscribe to email list" checkbox in the checkout. Customers wouldn't see it, wouldn't have a choice not to subscribe, and were automatically added to your email list. You could set this regardless of whether or not the offer was a free or paid offer.
That option no longer no longer exists.
There is still a "disabled" checkout setting that will hide the "subscribe to email list" checkbox in the checkout (see below image), but now instead of everyone being automatically subscribed, if you have that setting on, no one is subscribed.
They will still get added to your Contact list but their marketing status will show as "never subscribed". Not ideal if you want to follow up with a nice email sequence after purchase.

So what do you do?
The best option (IMO) that you can set is to have:
1) Pre-checked opt-in box enabled (the box for subscribing to the email list will show but will be pre-checked and customers would need to uncheck if they don't want to be on your email list
2) Custom Messaging updated (what is written beside the pre-checked box). I personally put something like "Email is my preferred communication method on this purchase" - something the customer would agree with
3) Additional Options checked. to automatically sign up customers to your email list when they purchase a PAID offer. This means only in the case of paid offers the subscribe to email list checkbox will not show and customers will automatically be subscribed to your list.
See image below for reference:

But what about FREE offers?
Sometimes I like using a checkout even on something free like a short mini-course as it allows students to set their own password at point of sign up, but this change to the checkout settings is too big of a risk to my business, so I won't personally be having people sign up through free checkouts any longer.
Instead, I will simply have them sign up through a Kajabi form and then set an automation in the form to grant access to the free offer. That way, using the single opt-in option in the form, I can continue to add students of free courses as subscribers to my email list.
Form automation image below for reference:

But what about GDPR?
It's a grey area for sure, and I am no lawyer, but if you're nervous about automatically subscribing people to your email list who have signed up for your mini-course, I suggest one of two things:
1) In the Kajabi "form" you could add a checkbox that people need to tick before they can sign up for the free training (they're agreement will get recorded against their profile that they checked the box) - example below
2) You could add appropriately worded disclaimer text under the form so that the person opting in knows they'll be added to the email list for the delivery of the freebie/details on the course (not as watertight but looks nicer 😉)
And then it becomes a matter of what you do with their information. I'm sure no one signing up for a course/freebie is going to mind being sent information that pertains to that but once you start sending them information on everything else you do they might not be too happy.

Member Directories on Kajabi
Building Beautiful Directories in Kajabi with Community Box
If you missed the live event with Community Box last week, we had a great class with Roland who showed us how to use Community Box to set up incredibly versatile member and service directories on your Kajabi landing pages or inside your products.
Community Box has a free forever plan and the next step up is only $10 a month so if you've been wanting to create an amazing directory on your site be sure to watch the replay.
Lot's more live events coming up this year! Next on the agenda is Josh Haynam, co-founder of TryInteract quizzes who will be dropping by in August. Details to follow.
You'll find the replay here (inside the FB Group)IG REEL OF THE WEEK
[Behind-the-Scenes] Let me show you around!
So what have I have I been up to since we last spoke? Moving house! 🙈 My least favourite activity and the house still looks like a bomb hit it. Not only that but the house isn't actually finished so I'm doing my best to function amidst kitchen tiling, no flooring, boxes and DUST. Anyone relate?
Curious to take a look inside? You'll find a little tour here
The Messy Success Podcast with Elizabeth Henson
Elizabeth is a profession community builder and coach to creatives. If you need some help starting, growing or nurturing your community you'll find loads of great tips on The Messy Success podcast!
Have you met Deidra?
Let me shine a big bright spotlight on Deidra Helmig, a graduate from our Heart-Centered Apprentice program and an expert in all things quiz funnels.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you’re looking to grow your audience and list with a new lead magnet, take a minute to think about the possibilities of a quiz. Not the boring kind of quiz that asks something abstract like "Which candle scent suits your personality" 🙈 but the kind of quiz that provides the quiz taker with immense value, helps them self-select which one of your programs or packages is right for them, segments your audience and delivers you a whole load of usable data 😮.
Intrigued? Deidra is the lady you need.
If you would like to read more on Deidra and her superpowers, please click here.
Why "Kajabi over Cocktails"?
Not sure about you but I'm a realist and from where I'm standing this line of work often comes with a whole lot of learning curve stress, disappointment, setbacks, anxiety, overwhelm... you get the idea.
When I began as Kajabi Coach I took it upon myself to lessen all those negative emotions for people, and to bring laughter, simplification, step-by-step guidance and support.
A lot of that support is provided on my live group coaching calls where more often than not I turn up to class with a GIANT Gin & Tonic.
In a laptop lifestyle of freedom and flexibility, is there any good reason not to?? 😂
Until the next time!
Meg xx
p.s. Drink in focus (click the image for details) ...