Meg Burrage

Up Close and Personal

goodness, where to start?

Like most entrepreneurs I have a "story".

I started in business about 5 years ago for myself, with a concept that won lots of awards, attracted plenty of attention and media, but very nearly sent me bankrupt. I missed the memo that a good idea simply wasn't enough.

The stress of that first business nearly killed me. Relationship strain, health issues, lost pregnancies, there was seemingly no light at the end of this entrepreneurial tunnel.

Thankfully, a friend of mine introduced me to James Wedmore and the Business By Design program and I turned my attention to online course creation, leveraging superpowers and helping entrepreneurs around the world launch their online programs without the slightest tech capabilities under their belts.

I became somewhat obsessed with Kajabi, crazy to be obsessed with a software platform, but it enabled me to very quickly grow a new 6 figure business that meant my corporate life was a thing of the past, my husband had renewed faith in my capabilities, and I was able to run my business from the comfort of home, while we welcomed our second child, Ilsa...and would you believe I've just had my third....between you, me and the internet it wasn't exactly the plan!

I have built an online business, a team and a lifestyle around my family and YOU CAN TOO! No "timepoor" excuses accepted!! 

Let's Connect!

If my face looks familiar the chances are you might have spotted me on the Kajabi homepage?


If you're looking for a company that supports your success, is behind you 100% and surrounds you with an incredible community, nothing comes close to Kajabi!



If my face looks familiar the chances are you might have spotted me on the Kajabi homepage?


If you're looking for a company that supports your success, is behind you 100% and surrounds you with an incredible community, nothing comes close to Kajabi!

The sad truth of it

I see a lot of people come and go in this industry. People who think they'll be the next overnight success and give up when they aren't. It's heartbreaking.

Between Kajabi and our support services we can set you up with an incredible online course platform, but take it from me, this line of work is no walk in the park.

The people I love to work with are the ones who view this as a career choice and recognise they are starting out as an apprentice. The people who are so full of ideas, drive and ambition that nothing, not even a challenging apprenticeship, can get in their way!

"Your success is inevitable. All that stands between you & your success is time" 

~James Wedmore

I heard James say that once and I remind my students of it often. The thing is, how much time are you willing to put in and are you spending it on the right activities?

JAMES WEDMORE AND HIS BUSINESS BY DESIGN PROGRAM, CHANGED THE TRAJECTORY OF MY LIFE. And when I finally got the chance to tell him that in person I started crying!😂 I became one of those hysterical celebrity groupies that I pride myself on never being! 🙈 But honestly, my family, my health, my happiness all stemmed from joining James' Business by Design.

If you've never heard of it, look it up!

I know many of you reading this might be B-School or DCA alumni, and honestly I don't think it matters which incredible coach you learn from, but I recommend learning from someone if this is your first foray into the online world.

fun facts about

Leisure Meg

In my previous life I worked extensively in travel - Travel Agent, European Ski Rep, and calling Bingo across the Atlantic with Royal Caribbean Cruises.

My favourite place on Earth is The Maldives. I dream about running a Kajabi Retreat there, combining my two favourite things!

I met my crazy, unromantic, Dutch husband through online dating. Thinking I should have realised at that point that the online industry was in my blood!

words from the wise

My "Cheer Squad"

"Meg is literally the BEST person to work with. When I started working with her I took on more than I could handle and she patiently allowed me the time to get myself organized to keep working with her. She is wicked smart, kind and ridiculously (in the BEST way) positive. She has helped me find the courage to go after my course and has even held my hand by sending me bite sized pieces when I get overwhelmed! I cannot say enough about her professionalism and work ethic. She is literally the BOMB!"

~Daphne Moens

Get in touch!

If it's just about time for that virtual coffee (or wine), drop me a note. I respond to all emails personally (sometimes even on weekends 😉)

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